Friday, November 6, 2009

I need advice on tanning...?

I am EXTREMELY fair skinned and burn very easily. I am so white, I'm almost blue. (haha) Does anyone have advice or tips or anything on tanning. I don't want to look like a piece of leather or anything, just a healthy glow, I guess. I have never been to a tanning place before.
I need advice on tanning...?
Well, to begin, if you usually do not tan outdoors, it will most likely be difficult to tan indoors. However, even though you are quite fair, you will be able to acheive a tan for your own skin tone, but it will not be anywhere near as dark as most folk's. Since you are interested in just a healthy glow, I can give you some advice. First, listen to your salon associates and follow their advice to the letter. They will instruct you on what exposure time is correct for you depending on what bed you tan in. Always err on the side of caution, begin in a level 1 or 2 bed and begin your tanning time at approximately 3-5 minutes. Increase this time gradually, 1-2 minutes each session AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT BURN. Even a little pink counts, so if you get pink, skip a day, go back and do the same amount of time, or less until you see ZERO pink, then move up a minute. Also, ALWAYS use a lotion from the salon. They will give your skin the most protection without an SPF, but will still allow your skin to tan faster than it's own rate, and will help you keep your tan longer. For your particular skin type, begin with an accelerator that is both tingle and bronzer free. I would recommend a lotion like California Tan's Ionyx step 1 or 2. Both contain TRF2000 which will increase skin cell oxygenation, melanin activating peptides to stimulate melanin production, grape seed oil to smooth skin's texture and ingredients to keep your tan up longer. This bottle has a pump inside that allows you to extract everybit of your lotion, so you waste nothing. This lotion is very clean smelling, and has a puffy consistency that is quick drying and non-greesy. This lotion is $57. If you want something cheaper, go for Fiesta Sun's Tangerini Tini. This product has extra virgin olive oil to lock in skin's moisture (helping you tan faster,%26amp; keep it longer) and other vitamins and minerals your skin needs while tanning. This lotion is a bit thicker than Ionyx, has a citrus scent and is $29. If you want exceptional skin care go for Ionyx, otherwise the Tangerini Tini is still great. Also, be sure to follow with a great salon moisturizer like Designer Skin's Angel. This lotion has hemp seed extract and vitamins C %26amp; E to hold in skin's moisture. It has a kiwi pear fragrance and is only $17. Hope this helped, happy tanning!!!
I need advice on tanning...?
make sure that when you do go to a tanning salon,you don't go tan happy. go a little bit at a time. first time go for maybe 5 minutes. and with every other time, increase. but if it's a good salon, they will recommend a good starting point for such fair skin. hope this helps!
Reply:Do yourself a BIG favor! Stay away from tanning. Instead, use self-tanning products. I always use Neutragena Micro Mist Spray level 3. I too am fair skinned and it looks very natural with out sun damage!

I used to go to tanning beds because I LOVED the look of being tan! Then 3 years ago, a very good friend of mine died from skin cancer. She left behind a brand new baby and a husband when she died. She was a "sun worshiper" and went to tanning beds too. The saddest thing I ever witnessed in my life was to hear her 1 year old baby crying for "Mommy" when they wheeled her casket down the isle. At the time I was 6mos. pregnant and vowed to never put my baby through and husband through such pain for simple vanity. Trust me, go sun-less for your tan! They make so many wonderful natural looking products on the market. Just try them at least a little while before you decide to go to a tanning bed!
Reply:You should not go to a tanning salon (unless you get the spray on tan). Maybe try using a self tanner and try it on a little spot to see if you like the color and then apply to your body.

Otherwise, use a sunblock SPF30 and just get some natural rays from the sun. It will take a few days for you to notice some tanning, but that is probably the most healthy natural glow.
Reply:What ever you do dont use a tanning bed!! They burn your insides. Even if its one of the best tanning things, its not worth cancer.
Reply:I burn very easily also, so if you are planning on going to a tanning salon, make sure that you only are in the bed for 3 minutes to start off with. Or ask one of the workers what they recommend for beginners, and make sure to tell them you burn easy. Another way to avoid burning is laying on your back, and then alternate to your sides also so that you aren't just laying there the whole time and you get an even tan. There are also lotions to put on your body after you've been in the tanning booth. You may feel a little bit burnt but not anything too unbearable. Be sure not to scratch either, once the redness starts to disappear then the tan appears. And you should probably start off going 3 times a week so that your tan can start progressing. Once you start tanning you can limit it to maybe once a week.
Reply:Go to a tanning salon. Buy indoor tanning lotion (it can be expensive). Your first time, only go for 5 minutes. Wait a couple days, go again for 5 minutes. Slowly up your time but continue to go no more than 3x a week.

You can also buy self tanning lotion. It's much better for you than using a tanning bed. Buy the nicest tanning lotion you can find and follow the directions. You do not want to appear orange or streaky.
Reply:Hi Heather, I have the exact same complexion as you (almost blue lol!). When I went to a tanning salon I found the lamp types much better than the tube types (don't know the correct technical terms). I had a 20 min session under the lamp type and had an exceptionally good tan, I was amazed. No redness just a nice tan. I then used Johnsons aftersun tanning lotion (you can get one for fair skin, its moisturiser with a bit of self tan in it so its very subtle and well suited to our skin types. I looked really healthy and golden and it was very natural - i didn't think it was possible for such fair skin to look so tanned. You're going to look fab!

I know this is very easy for me to say, but don't do a tanning salon. It will probably cause a lot of problems for you later in life.

Try one of those tanning cremes by Dove or Estee Lauder.

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