Friday, November 6, 2009

Does anyone know any tanning chemcials that's not inherently dangerous, but may be fatal in large quantities?

I know nothing at all about tanning. I want to know if there are any chemcials used in the tanning industries that's innocuous inherently, but may be dangerous in large quantities? (In leather tanneries)

For instnace, sleeping pills may be inerently harmless, but they're harmful if you take the entire bottle. Something on those lines?

Help, somebody!
Does anyone know any tanning chemcials that's not inherently dangerous, but may be fatal in large quantities?
#1 tanning chemical since ancient times - sodium chloride. That would meet your criteria. Brining the hides is one of the final steps to desiccate them and toughen then prior to framing.

Now if you want to remove the hair, you will need to consider some type of dilute caustic solution. Lye works well for this, an easy place to get that is quick lime at the construction supply store. Watch your step with quick lime, it generates A LOT of heat when you mix it with water and you risk both chemical and thermal burns. After your hide soaks for a week or so you have to scrape off the hair. Then you can wash it and brine it and frame it and oil it.

Nasty, stinky business tanning. I hope you don鈥檛 have any neighbors close by.
Does anyone know any tanning chemcials that's not inherently dangerous, but may be fatal in large quantities?
Everything is............
Reply:Tannins are used for tanning.

Vegetable tanning uses tannin, this is where the name tanning comes from.

Generally, tannins induce a negative response when consumed. These effects can be instantaneous like astrigency or a bitter or unpleasant taste or can have a delayed response related to antinutritional/toxic effects.

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